Restaurant Catering

Range of services for your event

Restaurant catering

Restaurant catering

Any event where food and drinks are supposed to be served, if it is not in a restaurant, cafe or hotel, will require a lot of effort, time and money to prepare and organize. Fortunately, now it is not necessary to do all this yourself. Entrust it to us, and we will try and meet all your expectations! Gourmet dishes, competent table setting, professional service - all this will make your event successful in any, even the most remote place. Our advantage is that we provide a whole range of services, which guarantees their high quality and reliability.


High level of services

Restaurant catering requires a lot of skills and reserves. All restaurants included in the COC Realty network are ready to provide these services at the highest level. In Western Kazakhstan, we have eight restaurants, such as “Caramel”, “Petrovsky”, “Europe”, “Riverside” and others. All of them provide three meals a day according to a special menu and according to the "buffet" system. The assortment includes 55 types of soups, 222 hot dishes, 51 types of side dishes and the same number of salads, fifty desserts.

A feature of our restaurants is that you can always take your breakfast, lunch or dinner away with you. For this, the Take Away format is specially provided. We can also offer to organize an outdoor event with a full provision of services.


Whole range of services

Our pride is the Factory Kitchen with an area of more than 10 thousand square meters, which the company has built in 2017-2018 on the territory of the New Tengiz rotational village. A complex food production with a high level of technological processes and a continuous cycle is organized. Raw materials from suppliers come here, stored at the required temperature, cooked and sent to all our catering facilities. This allows us to comply with the uniform cooking standards, centrally purchase and deliver raw materials, exercise unified control, efficiently organize catering in the shortest possible time, effectively manage stocks and quickly change the volumes of manufactured food products in accordance with the customer requirements.

Whole range of services

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